Level 1 BIOLOGYAS 90927 (Biology 1.3 – Micro-organisms) AS 90928 (Biology 1.4 – Flowering Plants) AS 90929 (Biology 1.5 – Mammal as a Consumer). Level 1 CHEMISTRY AS 90932 (Chemistry 1.4 – Carbon Chemistry), AS 90933 (Chemistry 1.4 – Selected Elements) AS 90934 (Chemistry 1.5 – Chemical Reactions). Level 1 PHYSICS AS 90937 (Physics 1.3 – Electricity and Magnetism) AS 90938 (Physics 1.4 – Wave Behaviour) AS 90939 (Physics 1.5 – Heat). Level 1 SCIENCE (Year 11) sciPAD workbook covering AS 90940 (Science 1.1 – Mechanics), AS90944 (Science 1.5 – Acids and Bases), AS 90948 (Science 1.9 – Genetic variation). These include: Year 9 and 10 sciPAD Science workbooks – Called “Book 1” and “Book 2”. We currently offer sciPADs covering all aspects of levels 4-8 of the New Zealand Curriculum. Printing our books in China, Malaysia, Singapore, or anywhere else that means your workbook comes with a massive carbon footprint.A faceless multi-national only interested in the bottom line.Replacing the cover on a tired old New Zealand workbook that has had the same content since we were in third form.Dressing up Australian books to look like they are written for New Zealand students.Silverback Academic Media is solely focused on producing dynamic, exciting and engaging science workbooks that exceed the needs of teachers and learners. We want to bring our customers the best possible resources at the best possible price. We want to develop a face-to-face relationship with teachers and ensure that their comments, ideas and suggestions get built into the books so that the sciPAD workbooks remain relevant to them. Everything we do is new from the ground up and we are determined to do things differently. Silverback Academic Media is not like other publishers. Physics 3.6 (Electrical systems) sciPAD.Physics 3.4 (Mechanical systems) sciPAD.Level 3 PHYSICS BUNDLE (Both External & Internal).NCEA Level 3 Physics (Internals) sciPAD.NCEA Level 3 Physics (Externals) sciPAD.Chemistry 3.6 (Equilibrium Principles) sciPAD.Chemistry 3.5 (Organic Compounds) sciPAD.Chemistry 3.4 (Thermochemical Processes) sciPAD.Level 3 Chemistry BUNDLE (Both External & Internal).NCEA Level 3 Chemistry (Internals) sciPAD.NCEA Level 3 Chemistry (Externals) sciPAD.Biology 3.5 (Evolutionary Processes) sciPAD.

Level 3 Biology BUNDLE (Both External & Internal).Physics 2.6 (Electricity & Electromag) sciPAD.Level 2 Physics BUNDLE (Both External & Internal).NCEA Level 2 Physics (Internals) sciPAD.NCEA Level 2 Physics (Externals) sciPAD.Chemistry 2.6 (Chemical Reactivity) sciPAD.Chemistry 2.5 (Organic Compounds) sciPAD.Chemistry 2.4 (Structure & Bonding) sciPAD.Level 2 Chemistry BUNDLE (Both External & Internal).NCEA Level 2 Chemistry (Internals) sciPAD.NCEA Level 2 Chemistry (Externals) sciPAD.